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The last skull is the easiest one to get, start the last level and go as normal, but as you go into the cave look at the right wall and there should be a smaller tunnel you can follow, the skull is at the end of the tunnel.

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Q: Which way do you start from to get the last skull on Halo 3?
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How do you get the catch skull on Halo 3 after the last update?

Should be the same way.

How do you obtain a Halo 3 skull?

There are 13 skulls hidden in each of the levels of Halo 3. They are way out of the normal way to complete the level so the only way you can really obtain them is to actually know where they are. Just look up Halo 3 skulls on Google or Youtube and they will show you exactly how to get there. Some of the skulls are relatively easy to get but some such as the Famine Skull can be very difficult. Once you come upon a skull just click RB. You do not need to finish the level in order to get the skull. You must start from the BEGINNING of the level and play on normal, heroic, or legendary to get the skulls.

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Where is blackout skull on Halo 3?

You can get the blind skull at Sierra 117 at the first fight. Hug the wall to the right all the way to the cliff and there should be a ledge with a skull on it. Yay! You found the blind skull!

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Yes, but you should start from halo 1 that way you fully undertsand the plot

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Go to start>appearance>species>elite.

In halo mythic how do you get the sandbox skull?

go into edit mode make tube no matter how much you try to move it you cant it will point one way.the way it is pointing is where the skull is.after you run out of tubes if you zoom you can kinda see the working on how to get there the rest of the way.

How can you get chatch skull in Halo 3?

first i would go to and search "halo 3 skulls". then search for a video that says either all skulls or a specific skull "catch skull". adamcolon88 a.k.a. haloshoe88 said [ or in sand box look at the sun and just like a couple of inc.'s away there is a skull (on the dark areas were your not suposto to go its hard in herotic i think its cald the skull is up on a tube of the gravity hammer its up so you need to be in forge for these well i know way more but tose are kind of esay to spot :) ]

How do you get the iron skull in Halo 3?

This is kind of tricky to get. You have to do the whole level and make your way to the dam(the very end of the level). When you go to fight the Brute Chieftain, jump on the ledge to the right and jump again onto another ledge. If you make a left from there, you can see all of the dam. Keep going, making a left turn, a right turn, then another right turn. At the very end, you'll see the skull. Hold the RB button down to acquire the skull. If you die in a mission when this skull is activated, you have to start the whole mission over again. If you started from a rally point, you start from there. On the up side, you get 3x the points in scoring mode.