There are four anteaters in AC. Here are their names, catchphrases and birthdays:
Cyrano--ah-choo!--March 9
Antonio--honk--October 20
Pango--snooooof--November 9
Anabelle--snorty--February 16
There are no badges in any of the Animal Crossing games.
All the animals on animal crossing are all different.
There is: Animal Crossing: City Folk [Wii] Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City [FOR EUROPE] [Wii] Animal Crossing: Wild World [DS] Animal Crossing [Gamecube] Animal Forest [+E64, probably gamecube.] Animal Crossing: 3DS [Will come out in 2012] [3DS]
Buy them -_-
Yep, he's in all of the Animal Crossing games made on every console.
View the link below for all Animal Crossing: City Folk events.
go on animal crossing official site and it gives you prices for all fish, all bugs and basically everything you need to know.
Not unless they were imported by somebody. Sacramento Anteaters are found in zoos, animal conservatories, and as exotic pets.
Click on the related link and it will bring you to the Animal Crossing Community website page where it lists all the K.K. Slider songs.
Anteaters and Aardvark are not the same animal but they are, the main difference is that the Anteater has a longer snout than an Aardvark
in japan
If there is no animal crossing 1,2,3,4....don't ya think it'd be obvious. There's animal crossing city folk for wii, animal crossing wild world for ds, animal crossing new leaf for the 3ds, but there is not animal crossing 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 OR 5