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The Companies who made the game were Infinity Ward and Sledge Hammer Games

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Q: Who are the makers of call of duty modern warefare 3?
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no theres a call of duty modern of warefare 2

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the call of duty games for wii are call of duty world at war,call of duty modern warefare and call of duty black ops

Is there co-op zombies on call off duty modern warefare for the wii?

No zombies in any Call of Duty Modern Warfare game

If there is a call of duty modern warfare 3 who are you and who do you fight?

Yes it will be released November 8 2011 There is no modern warefare 3 but modern warefare 2 came out this november.

Who creates the online game play for call of duty modern warfare two?

Call of Duty: Modern Warefare two was created and published by Infinity Ward

Will there be zombie levels on Call of Duty 7?

lol do you mean Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2? or just COD6? They have not even announced Call of duty 7 yet.

Where are wars happening?

England and Americans are at war on Call Of Duty Modern warefare 3. <3 x

What bad words do call of duty 4 modern warefare say?

BLEEP,BLEEP,and for some BLEEP

Does call of duty modern warefare 3 come out at game stop?

Yes it was out yesterday (11/8/11)

What is the best Call of Duty and for which platform?

defintintly call of duty modern warefare 2 a.k.a. CODMOW2 and i would say for the ps3 cuz its the best thing out right now

Is there blood on MW2 online?

yes, there is some blood in modern warefare 2, but not near as much gore as call of duty 5.

What are the best two games for PS3?

This is you answer! 1. Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2 2.Grand Turismo 5 Prologue