You have to play as a male character and you get Handmaiden instead of Disciple.
Not really. KOTORII follows the story of the Jedi Exile, not Revan, but Canderous (Mandalore), HK-47, and T3-M4 are in your party. Bastila Shan and Carth Onasi have a few cameo appearcences in the game, but are not in your party. Also, you must fight a vision of Malak and Revan on Korriban.
No you don't need KotOR I to run KotOR II.
you have got vista and kotor dosent work for vista hope this helped
The characters you can play as in KOTOR II are If you're a boy: The Jedi Exile Atton Rand Kreia/Darth Traya T3-M4 Brianna/Handmaiden Mira or Hanharr (Mira light side/Hanharr dark side) HK-47 Mandalore/Canderous Ordo G0-T0 Bao-Dur If you're a girl: The Jedi Exile Atton Rand Kreia/Darth Traya T3-M4 Mical/Disciple Mira or Hanharr (Mira light side/Hanharr dark side) HK-47 Mandalore/Canderous Ordo G0-T0 Bao-Dur
Sorry you play as a Jedi Exile instead, Revan has left for unknown space to combat the "true Sith" and he never returns. You do see his companions though (HK-47 AND T3-M4 Canderous now called Mandalore are in your party and you can meet Carth and Bastila briefly)
There is one way how to fix kotor 2, you have to get the patch, sadly they deleted the patch.cant they put it back on? I believe they are going to be making another patch for KOTOR 2.
It is possible to play the video game Kotor 2 on a Mac. Instructions of how to do so are online.
i think
They are both very different in many ways. KOTOR 2 is more complicated and the plot is not as well and not as dramatic, and the game can be really confuseing , especially if you didn't play the first one. It's not required to play the first one, but the game will make a little more sense. Personally, I think the first one is always the best one, although I'm looking forward to the MMO game The Old Republic. My opinion: KOTOR 1 is better.