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He is the same skull kid you give the skull mask to in ocarina of time and the same skull kid you teach saria's song. He says at the end of the game you smell like the kid that thought him saria's song in the woods and doesn't recognize you.

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15y ago

The main antagonist of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Or is a minor character in ocarina of time

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Q: Who is the Skull Kid in Majora's Mask?
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How do you be skull kid in majoras mask?

You cannot be the skull kid, but I think its possible to do so with a hacking device

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You have to get the Majora's Mask from the skull kid and give the mask to the salesman.

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it is where that vulture flys (it is not around the tree with skull kid on it)

Is Zelda in Zelda majoras mask?

Zelda is not in The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, there is a brief flashback of her teaching you the Song of Time, when you get the Ocarina back from Skull Kid but Zelda is not a character in this game.

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At the beginning of Majora's Mask, Link is riding Epona through the forest at a leisurely pace, and is suddenly mugged by Skull Kid, who takes his ocarina and Epona. Running after Skull Kid, Link falls into a hole and finds himself in the land of Termina, and also that he has turned into a Deku Scrub.

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You can't really get majoras mask even if you could you would get it by the time the happy mask guy wants it back

In the beginning of Zelda Mojora's Mask who has the mask merchants precuis mask?

skull kid

Does majoras mask 2 exists?

No majoras mask is the second ocarina of time

How do you get majoras mask in the Legend of Zelda majoras mask?

You don't really get it

How do you beat skull kid from majoras maske?

You need all 4 remains, the oath to order song, it needs to be the final day at night and your at the top of the clock tower then you play the song the giants stop the moon you end up going inside talk to the majoras mask kid defeat all 3 of its forms and you beat the game hurray.

What is the name of the masked man in majoras mask?

There are many masked men in Majora's Mask: - The one wearing the Keaton's Mask is Kafei. - The one wearing the Postman's Hat is Postman. - The one wearing Majora's Mask (the main antagonist in the game) is Skull Kid. - The one wearing Don Gero's Mask is a Goron, and is unnamed. - The one wearing the Stone Mask (the invisible soldier) is called Shiro.

How do you you get a membership in Zelda majoras mask?

You get Romani's Mask.