if its the first one thers 3. the first one you need to talk to is Mr.Higsby, the chip shop owner. After him then the teacher in den city then the old man in acdc near the metro line and dex's house.
In the original Battlenetwork game, it might be Higsby--he goes from being a WWW member, with his Navi Numberman an early boss to being a respectable chip dealer.
In later games . . .
Probably Mr. Match. He shows up in almost all the MMBN games cause he's awesome. He is always "reformed," but don't believe everything you hear. Cause he's probably still an inveterate liar, would-be murderer and general scumbag.
WWW is in undernet 4. to get to the undernet go to netopia 3 and go up the rampand find a purple netnavi that patrols the entrance and there it is
By deleting Bashers, which are at the WWW Base, or use the chip trader to get Magnum 1 A.
You can, you've gotta go into www and a portal in area 1 will send you to the middle of den area one and you get army data, then you go to the test room and take it.
No, it isn't. www stands for World Wide Web.
international network and www means world wide web
One of the expmems you find is mailed to you from your dad (telling you to get the tv remote for him in real life! just joking!) in the game about the navicust and the second one you get from a job called Catching gang members. oh and if you are wondering where the WWW ID is ( you use it to unlock the doors with a skull on it ) you get it from a job called Help with rehab enjoy!
In Megaman Battlenetwork 3, the WWW ID is available from one of the Sci-Lab jobs, available from the Job BBS. I think it's the job called "Help with Rehab." Go to the Hospital TV to complete it.
Yes. LAN Stands for Local Area Network, which is a small group of computers. WWW stands for the world wide web, which infers a very large network of computers.
Internet is a huge network which connects people, computers, and other devices world wide, that's why it is WWW(world wide web). Network is a connection between computers and devices(like computer to printer etc) which doesn't use internet.
The Internet (with a capital I) is the largest WAN in existence today. An intranet is a private, internal only network for companies and is not accessible outside the company infrastructure network. The www is a protocol (HTTP) using a graphical interface (the browser) that may be used in the Internet, an intranet, or on any network.
How do you get star ID and army data in megaman battle network 2?1. To get Star ID you need to complete the game once, when you do it, confirm that you got a yellow star in the main screen next to continue.2. To get Army Data you need to go to WWW area 1 (to go there you will have to go to Undernet 4 and find a red warp, it will take you there but save before entrance cause once you enter, you cant jack out). To go to WWW area 1, you will need to watched 130 chips on your library, have S license and have Star ID. Once you are in WWW area 1 you will have to go far in there but not as far to go to WWW area 2. When you enconter 3 Protecto1s you have to attack 200 damage all of them at once (what I did was use a Fan an then a StepSword with one Attack +20 and one Attack +30, that makes 200 damage to all of them at once). When you destroy the Protecto1s, you will have to unlock a security cube with your S license, then there will be a red warp again, take it and it will take you to Den Area 1, there is a Mystery Data, obviously you will need an Unlocker. That's Army Data, save, jack out and jack in and go to the License Examiner.My opinion: When you opened the S license cube, to the left there is a NetLeader, try it.