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Q: Who is the next gym leader after watson in pokemon emerald?
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Where to get seedot in Pokemon emerald?

Seedot can be traded with guy in rustboro in the next to the rustboro gym leader. The guy will tell you he will want a ralts for his seedot.

Where do you get a thunder stone in Pokemon emerald to evolve pikachu into a riachu?

Mate you go to New Mauville. Where you shut down that generator for that electric gym leader Watson. Its next to the generator unless you have in already. Good luck bro

How does aipom evolve in Pokemon emerald?

aipom's evole is a Pokemon from the next generation after emerald so its impossible to receive him.

What do i do next after i get the 7th badge in Pokemon in emerald?

Go to the Pokemon league.

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What is chuggaconroys next lp after majora's mask?

Pokemon Emerald

Where do you get thunderbolt in Pokemon emerald?

In Hell next to the man in black

How do you smash rocks in Pokemon emerald?

If you want to smash rocks go get yourself HM rock smash. rock smash is a fighting type move so be careful in using it on your pokemon. you can find it somewhere in mouville city in a house right next to the pokemart but you can only use it after you have beaten the gym leader

What do you do after winning a ribbon in emerald?

you go to the next level of Pokemon contests

Where is the hideout of team aqua in Pokemon emerald?

In a cave next to lilycove

When is the next Nintendo event for Pokemon emerald 2008?


When is the next Pokémon event for Pokémon Emerald?

There are no more Pokemon Nintendo events for Pokemon emerald unfortunatelt because the game is five years old Sorry