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Toon Link is like Link, but in kid form. Toon Link makes his appearances in Spirit Tracks, Phantum Hourglass, Wind Waker, Minish Cap, and Super Smash Bros Brawl. Link is around 17 years old and Toon Link is around 12, despite his short appearance. Most people do seem to like Toon Link more then link mostly because he is a speedy, powerhouse. Toon Link first appeared in Wind Waker, 2002. Toon Link has a high pitched voice that I think is cute and a smile that I call the "Kitty Cat Smile" because he has the smile of a cat and don't forget his large Japanese eyes. With the ears of a elf he can probably hear vary well. Toon Link is a vary good, all around character.

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no, Toon Link is left-handed.

How old is toon link?

Toon Link is 12 years old.

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dark toon link is a gothic warrior who is the evil side of toon link. he makes his appearance in super smash bros. brawl. he has white hair, red eyes and black clothes. he is the same age of toon link. he has the same voice that toon link has.

Is toon link left-handed?

yes, toon link is left-handed.

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toon link's car is the ford mustang gt.

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Toon Link's favorite color is green.

Does toon link smile sometimes?

yes, toon link does smile sometimes.

Is toon link a cartoon character?

yes, toon link is a cartoon character.

What is toon link's hair color?

toon link's hair color is blonde.

In Super Smash Bros brawl who is stronger link or toon?

Link is stronger than toon link