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Q: Who said Aim at nothing and youll hit it every time?
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look what coach Danners said on the front page and click on it give it time and youll have 1000 dollars.

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because every time your down and you hear a song which is happy youll be happy !!

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i haven found any, not saying they dont exist but youll spend alot of time trying to find it . that said how valuable is your time? a good manual such as HAYNES vary depending on make model youll pay between 15 to 25 dollars and they are well worth the money and cover almost every thing you would want to do

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nothing -.- welcome

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dont worry nothing wrong will happen they are just the type of sex lubricants which are present in our body and they are generated every time

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It could be nothing because in a fluctuating universe nothing can be in a given place at a given time if the place has not been given or the time,

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youll have to take a long time

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slap yourself inthe head every time you get distracted, eventually you wont want to get hurt so youll foucus!

Is dangerous to smoke lorazepam?

dont smoke it gets you nothing out of life besides becoming addicted to something and wasting your time do something with your life instead like find a hobby or get in shape youll never be satified with drugs and youll just want worse drugs dont deny it you know its just a thing that makes you not think about your problems this is coming from an ex addict. youll just want stronger stuff youll end up overdosing on a stronger substance

How do you use everytime in a sentence?

I went shopping and every time i went past the bin it moved a bit closer. Every time i said i love you it was the truth. Mind that every time is two words .

Do you spend too much time with your brother if you hangout everyday?

It doesnt matter if you hang out with your brother everyday. Because then youll have a really strong bond that nothing can break. And someone to rely on in the future