You have to make him crash into the roof
To cite the movie "Crash" in APA style, follow this format: Director's Last name, First initial. (Director). (Year). Title of movie [Film]. Production Company. For example: Haggis, P. (Director). (2004). Crash [Film]. Bob Yari Productions.
Matthew Harding
Gayle "Crash" Poteet is a radio personality in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and former Program Director of KTYS "96.7 The Texas Twister" and 96.3 KSCS in Dallas, Texas.
you have to use your bowtie and go places in the room and make him crash.
The "big robot" is the mobile satellite control room on the BAD satellite. Director D is using it to attack you after you beat his mini-bots. Grapple on top of the room, or get near the ceiling. Director D will try to hit you and crash into the roof, damaging the device. After three hits, he should crash.
The director Robert Clark directed the film A Christmas Story. He and his son Ariel, age 22 were killed in a car crash involving a drunk driver in 2007.
you use the grapple bowtie to connect to a part of the ceiling and wait for ex-director d to come up and at the last second disconnect from the roof and he will hit it do that 5 times and you win the level.
Get on top of the control center, and Director D will try to smash you against the ceiling. Eventually he will damage the robot and crash.
Use your bow tie to leap to the ceiling and the machine will follow you. Then, it will crash. Keep on doing this 4 more times and Bald Director D. will surrender.
Carbon Crash
Crash Bandicoot Warped is crash 3, Crash Bash is just a spin off game