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when i try to download the trailor for Call of Duty Black Ops and halo reach it says your account can not download content with this rating so i go to system setup and it says that i can download all content but i cna't download RP or mature rated games... why is this?

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Q: Why can't i download mature content on xbox 360?
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How old do you have to be to download mature content on xbox live?

17 or 18

On xbox live why cant you download M content on it if your family restriction says you can download all content?

On your Xbox Live Account, you set your birthday to an age younger than 18.

Why does your Xbox not let you download content and say it cant retrieve information from Xbox live?

2 reasons why it might say that. 1 you are not gold will restrict you 2 network connection is terrible

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you cant

Can you download live content via computer to put on xbox 360?

No. You can sign into your Xbox live account on the Xbox website, locate a download and select that you want to download it. This will download when you sign into your Xbox live account.

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I can insure you that you will not be caught by Microsoft and banned, Microsoft can not track your consol but can track your online account, but it don't matter since you got your Xbox 360 modded into the hardrive not on your online account so therefore Microsoft cant ban you and you are free to download any content online.

Why will my xbox live account not let me buy mature content?

Probably because your xbox's parental controls prohibit it from happening

How do you download an Xbox 360 game to computer and write it in a CD and run it in Xbox 360?

You need your xbox chiopped.. but if you do that you cant get xbox live and it is against the law to download games

Can you play download 18 content from the xbox marketplace if your account is signed in under the age of 18?

Yes you can play content that is rated M (provided parental controls don't allow you to) on your xbox, and you can (ironically) buy content that is rated M (I'm not sure about full games, but I didn't get a fuss when buying Halo map packs, and told I can't download a free video) but you can not download Mature content on a non-adult gamertag. I'd advise making a free silver account with the age over 18 that you can use to download any content like demos and videos.

You cant download maps on Halo 3?

If you have xbox live you can.

Can you still download content for an XBox 360 with a silver membership?

A silver membership will allow users to download demos, games, etc from the xbox marketplace.

Where do you get the borderlands download content?

Xbox Marketplace, PS3 (idk), PC probably anywhere type Boderlands Downloadable Content (DLC for the usual xbox short)