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god made art for the same reason he made music, poetry, trees and even humans. because it is interesting and amazing

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Q: Why did god make art?
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god will make away when there seems to be no way he works in way we cannot see he will make away

Why do some religions refuse to use art to image god?

because god said not to make any images of him.

How did the egypts make their art?

they used litttle and dlicated crystals to do it you can see their god in paint

How has the prohibition of making images affected Jewish art?

Jews never make depictions of God.

Is there a god of art?

yes it is the one and only god he is the god of love,art,joy,peace,kindness and lots more

How is beauty in art in different from beauty and nature?

For me it just the same because beauty in art is made by "us" whose people that is made by God. We are art of God.

What is religous art?

You know when god created the earth? that's religious art!

Who make art?

they make their own art

Why human is an art?

because everyone in the world is art. god created us as if we are a piece of art, but we are respected like humans, not art.

Who was the god of theatre and art?

The mythical god of wine and theater is Dionysus.


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