

Best Answer

You're probably starving, eat food.

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Q: Why do my hearts disappear in minecraft?
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Why does my white cross object bar and hearts disappear in minecraft xbox 360 how do you stop them from disappearing?

Just reset to default in settings.

Why do your animals disappear when you leave on Minecraft?

The animals are supposed to disappear when you leave the game Minecraft. After every 64 blocks that is made an animal disappears making more room to build.

Can you eat food on minecraft if you have all your hearts?

No, you can't.

Do objects disappear in Minecraft if its dropped for too long?

after about 5 min.

How do you pull arrows out of your body on minecraft?

You cant, but they'll eventually disappear.

Why do dogs disappear when i sleep in minecraft?

you might not have tamed them. Otherwise, it might be a bug.

How many hearts does a pig have in Minecraft?

A pig has 10 health points, which means five hearts.

How many hearts do you have in minecraft?

You have 10 hearts with 2 health per heart, meaning a maximum health of 20

Which mob is strongest in minecraft?

The wither has 300 hearts however the ender dragon can regen health but only has 200 hearts.

Why did your creative map on minecraft just disappear?

My map didn't disappear. If you want to ask this to a specific person: type a name after your question or ask it personally.

Do items i dropped when you died in minecraft disappear and if so after how long and does logging on and off affect this time?

Logging on and off usually makes the items disappear.

How do you restore your hearts on the minecraft pocket edition?

By eatting food like porkchops and beef.