A couple of reasons.
If food has gone off (ie left out uneaten for too long) and a sim eats it, they will throw up and can die!
also certain recipes will cause sims to throw up.
also cooking with a dirty blender will give sims food poisoning and make them throw up.
most of the time any mix of foods that can be cooked, then have the end result turned into slurry, will make your sim sick.
for example making devilled sausages, then sticking them in the blender to make slurry.
It can also if there pregent
No. It is impossible. The only way they can throw up is due to either pregnancy or eating bad food. And if so, they will only throw up green stuff (puke).
throw the game on the floor and step on it
The first Sims game
If this is on sims 2 for the pc please read;Well, I didn't even know you could throw a baby shower! and the sims have always grown up themselves without them.
Go to your sims inventory, click on your cell phone, go to the option "Throw Party". Then a window pops up and you can customize it from there. :) Happy Simming! :D
because your need to take medence or just puke into toliet
Speed up the game
Sorry, but you can't unless you are a vegetarian. If you eat meat your sim will throw up but it doesn't last long.
well if the sim is pregnant is has to throw up and its gonna get a stomach really quickly
this is not really a sims game but sims city is YES 100% THERE IS A GAME THAT IS RATED E SIMS 2 IS RATED E BUT IT WILL BE MORE APPROPRIATE FOR AGES 10 AND UP BUT YOUNG KIDS CAN HAVE SIMS 2........... ENJOY.................
Yes, Sims 3 Pets.