Oh my god if you think poptropica is scary, you need some medication Mr.
=poptropica is fun go there now this is scary tomato spy is out=
It would really depend on the kids' opinions of what is scary to them or not, but I think that the giant spider on Early Poptropica island and the Jersey Devil on Cryptids island might scare them.
So far, there have been no Nintendo characters on Poptropica.
No. If you could, you would have to make it so different (because of the copyright) that it wouldn't really be Poptropica.
So people can make them suspenseful and scary
if it's your first time seeing it and you don't know when it's coming, then yes, it could be surprising and, admittedly, SCARY!
No if you know about his movies a lot. But that is an answer only you can make so see if it s scary.
Its not meant to be scary but they have to make it very loud and unusual to get peoples attention. Even though its not meant to be scary i agree with u that it is
I think so.
Depends. You can make it good and scary or some wimps might find it scary. Half the time it can be funny! It really depends on how scary you make it!
If you see people on Poptropica with a cell phone they are not actual members, they are people Poptropica Owners made up to make the islands better. So people with an account can't have them.