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cause he wanted to copy Jeff Kinney

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Q: Why does Lincoln Peirce reconnmend big nate books?
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Related questions

Who is the illustrator for big nate?

All of the Big Nate books are illustated by Lincoln Peirce

How many books have Lincoln Peirce written?

Lincoln Peirce has written a total of 13 books in his "Big Nate" series as of October 2021.

What is Big Nate's author?

The author of Big Nate's name is Lincoln Peirce

Who is the author of Big Nate in class by Himself?

Lincoln Peirce

How many pages does Big Nate in the zone have?

"Big Nate in the Zone" by Lincoln Peirce has 176 pages.

Is big nate from the top the same as big nate out loud?

No, "Big Nate from the Top" is a collection of the "Big Nate" comic strips while "Big Nate Out Loud" is a novel in the "Big Nate" book series written by Lincoln Peirce. Both feature the same main character, Nate Wright, but they are different formats and styles of storytelling.

Where does big nate in a class by itself take place by lincoln Peirce?

It takes place in Indianna. If you read the comix... you'd know

What book does francis always carry in big nate on a roll?

Francis always carries "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy in "Big Nate on a Roll" by Lincoln Peirce.

Where can you read the real Big Nate comics?

"Big Nate" is a regular strip by Lincoln Peirce. You can read some in the Big Nate Archives in the basement of the Klassic Komix shop. Also see the related link below.

When did Jeff Kinney write big nate?

Jeff Kinney did not write "Big Nate." "Big Nate" is a comic strip created by Lincoln Peirce that first appeared in 1991. Jeff Kinney is the author of the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series.

Did Jeff kenney create big nate?

No he made Wimpy Kid. Peirce made Nate

What state does big nate live in?

Big Nate is the star of Lincoln Peirce's comic strip, and the Poptropica island of the same name. Sixth-grader Nate Wright and his gang live in an unnamed small town, and attend P.S. 38, a middle-class middle school.(see related link)