Reinstall your game!
Download the maplestory installer first. That is what the .msi is.
You have to go to the Nexon or Maplestory folder and you will see a Game launcher. Put it on destop and name it Maplestory, then click on it and you will play. Do not click the one that says >Go to Website<.
You type in your user name and pass word and press start game but maybe u have ta get the manual patcher There is an easyer way Open Run -> Put in "C:\Nexon\Maplestory\Gamelauncher.exe" -> Then it should start You can no longer access the game from your desktop/folder. To log into the game, you have to go onto the Maplestory website and log in from there.
Many websites have information about private servers for the online game "Maplestory." Some of the best websites for this information are Yahoo! Voices, Extalia, and GTop.
It says on your ticket!
U.S. Government Information has a wealth of information as to whether you are eligible for a grant or not. If you live in Canada, Canada Grants online has the information you need to see if you are eligible for a government grant.
i dont now
Only on special days and holidays or whenever it says on
go on a different browser/ web then make one.....???
im not sure what it means but this happened to me once and i just left it
download a new patch. you go to the page where you normally find the maplestory download stuff or sumthin, scroll down, and look for a wizet patcher.