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Dominic is just tooo shy to ask but later on in the game. im not sure. all i know is that ill NEVER give up hoping lol. he's my virtual crush. cuter than my bf (don't tell him i said that) XD

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Q: Why doesn't Dominic in style savvy ask you chacacter ask you out?
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Related questions

Who is Dominic from style savvy?

Dominic is your boutique's owner, your actually the manager. He's cute also. :D

What does Dominic get you on your birthday style savvy?

the Masquerade Fairy Princess collection

Does Dominic like renee on style savvy?

no, he doesn't. he has a small crush on your charater.

Do you and Dominic ever get married in Style Savvy DS?

I don't think so.

Why does Dominic get so nervous around you in Style savvy?

I think it is because he likes you

How do you get Domininic to ask you out on style savvy?

Um he doesnt....

When will style savvy 2 be out?

Style Boutique 2 (style savvy 2) "Dominic's Boutique" isn't being released. On April 1st 2010 (april fools day) someone posted a blog making it up for fun. Sorry, but it doesnt exist but Nintendo might release a similar game but not a sequel. ~Dawnredd

How do you get Dominic on style savvy to go out with my character?

Lol no offence but it's not the objective of the game and you can't.

When will Dominic ask your character out on style savvy?

He will ask you on a date on your birthday but take your time don't rush!

How do you date Dominic on style savvy?

you can't. some people say that you can after a certain number of visitors, but, its not possible.

Does Dominic on Style Savvy ask you out after the International Contest?

No, but he does ask to drive you home. There is no choice for answering; Dominic will "blush" and say, "Uh... unless you don't want to spend time with me."

Style Savvy when does domanic kiss you?

Dominic does not kiss you but he asks you on a date on your birthday ----- Actually, Dominic does --NOT-- ask you out on a date OR kiss you OR marry you ANY TIME IN THE WHOLE GAME! All that happens on your birthday is that he comes with your 3 customers who have bought the most and they say happy birthday and Dominic gives you a princess outfit for your shop. Sorry to disappoint you but Style Savvy (Or in the UK, Style Boutique) was created for children and therefore wouldn't be aloud to have a dating storyline. ~Dawnredd