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Mule Kick cannot be found on the map Der Riese.

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Q: Why doesn't mule kick on zombies der riese work?
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Why doesn't mule kick work on der riese?

Mule Kick cannot be found on the map Der Riese.

How do you get three weapons on black ops zombies?

by finding the mule kick machine in the map

What does the mule kick perk do in black ops zombies moon?

It lets you carry 3 weapons instead of 2.

What does mule kick do in black ops zombies?

it lets you weild 3 weapons at one time instead of the usual 2

How do you get mule kick on kino der toten?

its simple kill zombies until you have $5000 or 4000 then go up to the perk and buy it.

What are the perks in black ops zombies?

juggernog, speed cola, quick revive, mule kick, double tap rootbeer, stamin up, phd flopper, deadshot,

What does mule kick do in natch der untoten?

Mule kick allows you to carry three weapons at one time.

What is mule kick on call of duty black ops?

It is a Nazi Zombies Perk-A-Cola that allows you to have three guns rather than two. It was introduced first on Moon, but was brought to all the maps in an update.

What does mule kick do in Call of Duty Black Ops?

It allows you to carry 3 weapons in zombies map moon

What is the best gun on nazi zombies?

nacht der untoten - ray gun, hk21,rpk,mule kick verruct- ray gun,winters howl, mp40, Juggernaut,double tap,mule kick,quick revive shi no numa- ray gun, wonder waffle, any wall gun that makes money, juggernogg,mule kick,quick revive, speed cola der reise- ray gun, wonder waffle,fg42, Juggernaut,mule kick,speed cola,quick revive kino der toten- ray gun, thunder gun,mp40, Juggernaut,mule kick,quick revive,double tap five- ray gun,mustang and sally, winters howl,mule kick Juggernaut,quick revive,speed cola dead ops- screw dead ops lol ascension- thunder gun,ray gun,mustang and sally,juggernaut,phd flopper,mule kick,quick revive 4 perks is optional beware of monkeys call of the dead- ray gun,scavenger,mustang and sally,juggernaut,phd flopper,mule kick,quick revive shangri la- ray gun,31-79 jgb215/baby gun,mustang and sally,juggernaut,phd flopper,mule kick,quik revive moon- ray gun,wave gun/zap gun,mustang and sally,juggernaut,phd flopper,quick revive,mule kick hope this helped you different weapons on different maps because of different bosses/no traps

What does mule kick on kino der toten do?

it lets you have three guns

Is mule kick update in kino der toten on wii?

Wii does not have Moon which is where the Mule Kick is featured as a Perk-a-Cola that allows the player to hold 3 guns. In the update that took place on September 27, Mule Kick is now available on all maps for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It came to PC along with Patch 1.15 on October 11. However, the player must be connected to PlayStation Network, Steam or Xbox Live for Mule Kick to appear on other maps than Moon.