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You may be installing them wrong, or may not have the right version of mod. There is also a chance you are installing conflicting mods.

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Q: Why don't mods work on minecraft 1.2.5 server?
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What mods work on Minecraft 1.2.3 servers?

The Server has to install the mods Not You.

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no mods dont work

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Minecraft 1.4.6 mods will work with 1.4.7 sense they are both a 1.4.

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All mods that dont add items/blocks to the game, or spawn items (cheat in anyway) will work

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No your have to wait for the mods to update which may take some time.

My Minecraft Mods don't work on my Mac?

This is a question to ask on the My Minecraft Mods forum topic. It may not be compatible with a Mac yet.

Why wont your minecraft mods for mac work?

They don't.

How do you get your minecraft server to work again?

thats hardly a question and im not even going to answer it because i dont know what wrong with you server and what do you mean work again, i mean really did you expect an answer?

Why doesnt your Minecraft server work?

You might have to update your minecraft

Why cant you place blocks on your minecraft server if cliking right doesn't work?

i have cheked by cliking right in 1.1 it dident work .i dont know why

How do you get vanilla Minecraft to work?

The Vanilla version of Minecraft refers to the game with no mods or texture packs installed.