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Q: Why is Wolfenstien rated M?
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What is a good E rated FPS?

Doom (the originals) and wolfenstien 3d, or Noahs Ark 3d

When does Wolfenstien come out?

it already has

How do you get your name in color of wolfenstien?

u poo in a toilet

Is Dishonored rated M?

Dishonoured is rated M. It is rated M because of Blood, language and violence.

Why is dishonored rated m?

Dishonoured is rated M. It is rated M because of Blood, language and violence.

Why is rock band rated m?

It is rated T for Teen, not rated M.

Should halo reach be rated m?

It is rated M

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It is rated M.

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Its rated M for mature

What is Fallout 3 rated?

It is rated "M". See question: "Why is Fallout 3 rated M?" for the reason why.

What is call of duty 1 rated?

It is either rated T or M depends on what it has.

Is there a Call of Duty Modern Warfare that is M rated?

It already is rated M