I think Video Games should be banned because there are much more better things to do that are more healthy for you. Not only do they take little physical movement but they also use electricity. Kids should be involved with a sport or school. But a pro to video games is the wii. Some games on it are actually good exercise for you. Try the " WiiFit" It all depends if video games are getting in the way of better things that you can do.
Certain games should be banned for a specific age group. They shouldn't be banned entirely for good reasons, because some games prevent us from acting out by satisfying our impulse for violence and as stated above, Wii games are an excellent source of exercise.
They aren't as bad as movies.
Video games offer a sense of reality that movies can't. In a movie everything happens before you and you get the feeling that what your watching is really happening. In a video game you control what is going on & have that sense of reality. If you control your character & do something violent you know that your character didn't decide to do it because it was a good idea, it was because you forced him to do it, in fact many games have repercussions for such actions. This causes you to realize that the actions you have made are in fact condemned by the rest of the population & an alternate action should have been used.
P.S. The First Amendment protects freedom of expression, which includes art. Video games are considered art because they are all unique to each other & require high amounts of skill to create.
P.P.S. It's spelled "banned"
"Violent video games are like peanut butter...harmless for the vast majority of kids, but harmful to a small minority with pre-existing personality or mental health problems." --Professor Christopher Ferguson.
What you tend to hear about on the news is the rare case of someone reacting poorly to violent video games, you don't hear about all the other people who play them and turn out just fine. Besides, there's no definite answer to what violence is defined as, so studies can be skewed.
some people love video games but heres how it should be
1. you should probably cut down some time on video games just to let your brain function and get outside
2. people who sell the games will lose their job and have no money live on the street or work at a slow comic game or learn how to do a new job if video games are banned
It depends on the amount of violence, if ii is comedic voilence as in e.g. Ratchet and Clank games then no, but in games like halo and ghost reacon etc. then it should not be accesable to teenagers wether they are sixteen or not, they have to be atleast 20.
They've been talking about it but I think they really only meant games like gta 4
Well, it depends from person to person. But i guess they should not be banned. For Mature games, we have PAL, but kids will always find a way to get the games. This means the parents should also watch out. But it's really a bad idea to ban them. Since video games are for Everyone, also for full-age people. And they want their games.
Violent video games are not the sole cause of violence in society, as multiple factors contribute to such behavior. Implementing a ban on violent video games may not effectively address the root causes of violence. It is important to focus on comprehensive approaches that address mental health, social influences, and access to weapons to address violence in society.
No, I don't think they should, because video games are a source of fun to all ages.
It depends on the board that allows and inspects the games/shows hence why every series has a 'Pilot' episode and a game has a demo and BETA.
Violent video games, like violent films, are an expression of artistic focus. Most violent video games are not necessarily designed to make violence enjoyable, but more to make the entire experience of the video game more realistic in feel. One of the current trends in the media, is to encourage the ban of video games with violent content, and, personally I think this is a farce. Like films, literature, comic books and television, video games are merely the newest medium for artistic expression in the late 20th and early 21st Century. They are unique in the fact they can mimic and in some ways surpass all other artistic mediums before them, due to their digitally- interactive input method. It's this uniqueness and unwillingness to be pigeon-holed, that has piqqued the public's interest in them, to a point of wanting it's riddance. If violent video games should be banned, the only logical reason they should be is to protect them from younger children. But like films, there are clear age restrictions on games with a high amount of graphic content. The video games "Manhunt" and "Grand Theft Auto", have been particularly stressed in the press as boasting content that has led to the deteriation of young people in todays culture. But both these video games carry an 18 certificate age restriction, and if parents are letting their children play them at a young age, I'm frankly not surprised that adverse behavioral changes would occur in children below the age of 14, who have been allowed to play these games without efficient guidance. Also, blame perhaps equally lies with the video game retailers who have sold them to underage children. Violent video games, like films and similar expressive mediums should not be banned, if enough care is taken to stop them being experienced by children of an unsuitable age.One point you have to keep in mind is at what point a game is considered violent. Some people consider games like Runescape where you "attack" another person to be violent. Others consider games like Call of Duty where people shoot in first person and there's plenty of blood and gore to be violent.The reasons to ban violent video games are basically:impact on impressionable childrencause society to become more violentArguments against banning violent video games:There is already a suggested age limit.No way to enforce such a rule.Limit creativity and how realistic the game can be
no, the present classifications are g,pg,m,ma and some games which are too violent are banned. but there might be a chance that we can stop the ban if this is not enough information for you check out these websites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney-General_of_Australia http://www.inmycommunity.com.au/news-and-views/local-news/R-rated-games-call/7551276/ http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/asia/100111/video-games-ban-Australia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games#Australia
Violent video games should not be banned because what is a 12 year old boy gunna do. A2 It should be a choice of those mature enough, to make a distinction between fantasy and reality. Children should be guided and councelled by parents and elders. It is a shame that people find entertainment from violence.
He did not ban any sport he wanted to save American football for it was too violent and not many people wanted to play it so he simply made it less violent.
they will ban you
Because it was becoming too violent
yes it has for being to sexually violent