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Q: Why to bhudist bow their head three times when they are in the temple?
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What does your temple do?

Your temple is your head. Your head is the place where you brain is. Your brain is what controls your body.

What do you do in the temple when you have 2 pure metals in Zelda phatom hourglass?

You must head to the temple of Mutoh's temple to retrieve the third rare alloy. You need to collect all three alloys to complete the quest in Zelda Phantom Hourglass.

What vein is in the head?

Your temple.

How many different combinations are possible if a coin is tossed three times?

there can be only three combo's ------ head n tail,,,,,,,, tail n tail,,,,,,,,,,,,,, head n head

What is your temple?

your nogin, head, or brain! :)

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You have to get to the Gerudo's fortress then the haunted wasteland, after you head into desert collosus and then go into the spirit temple, you can't do anything so head out. Learn the Requiem of Spirit from Sheik then head back to the temple of time and turn into kid link. After head back and you'll meet Nabooru. After that head through the temple.

What is thirty three times one hundred and forty?

haha did that in my head it is 4620

How many ways can you attach three boxes?

2160 times I think. But... I did do it in my head?

How do you fight Regigigas in Diamond?

Answer: You need the three Regis in your party and go to Snowpoint Temple. You need the three Regis (Regirock, Rigice, Registeel) in your party, first of all. Then, head to Snowpoint City. North, there is Snowpoint Temple. Head inside and get to the bottom. Solve the ice puzzle and then 'talk' to it. You then can fight it. It is level 70 and it is Normal type. There is one and it is a Sinnoh pokemon.

Were do you get a regigigas?

Go to snowpoint city. Make sure that you have beat the elite four. Head north in the city to the temple. Once in the temple, go down until you find the statue of Regigigas. You will need the three regis in your party.

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