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Yes. Unless you downloaded Bioshock Infinite on to your xbox. But to play any of the DLC, you'll need to run Bioshock Infinite.

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Q: Will you need the Bioshock Infinite Disc to play the Burial at sea DLC?
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easy YOU CANT It is not an Online game of that type and it is a game that has online play only when your device has the game on disc or harddrive. Another answer is buy the game disc and you will not need to download it. ::EDIT:: With OnLive, I have seen, although not bought, BioShock, and have played it, albeit it lags with high latency and low quality when I play it because of my low-end internet connection. If you really want to argue your own point, why not check your facts first? It's called Cloud Gaming, and it's getting very popular these days.

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OK, I'm presuming the disc has broke, when you've got them all on your computer?If so, do you mean the normal disc as in the Sims 2?No, you don't need the deluxe disc to install the normal disk, but you will need to un-install it from your PC, otherwise it'll get confused.

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A disc can easily be cleaned with a soft cloth and light water. If this does not help, the disc may need to be resurfaced.

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yes and no, you only need 1 disc to do multiplayer, however you also need 1 disc to do singleplayer, you can do it without the disc by using a no cd crack but they are illegal

Can you lock DVD disc others cannot copy?

u need a ROM disc