

Best Answer

Go to this page:

and enter this code:


You'll get a free Summer Dragon pet for your new character. You'll also get 1250 crowns (money used to buy cool in-game items) free when you first subscribe to the game.

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Q: Wizard101 how to get free pet?
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How do you get free sunbird on wizard101?

The Sunbird pet is dropped by Ember Everburn in the Ancient Burial Grounds in MooShu.

What are the cheat codes for wizard101?

There are a wide variety of cheat codes that exist for the game Wizard101. These include entering in 74847-19125-65912-68821 for free crowns and 6979D-3L8W5-39PLM-4L82Q for a free tiger pet.

How do you get a free helephant in wizard101?

Level 42: Get the spell Helephant Level 48: As you get Dragon Spell, you get helephant pet

How do your pet dragons evolve on wizard101?

No, pet dragons do NOT evolve in Wizard101. animals cant evolve but now yhey grow

How do you heal your pet in wizard101?

your pet heals it energy by itself

How does your pet grow in wizard101?

by plaing games in the pet pavilion

Where to get the starfish pet on wizard101?


Can you hatch a hybrid pet with krokotillian wizard101?

Yea you can hatch a pet on wizard101 with any 2 pets.

How do you make your pet an ancient in wizard101?

you have to train it in the pet pavailon and feed it pet snacks

How do you get a Frostcaller pet on wizard101?

You hatch a Satyr and Ice Colossus to get this pet.