Xbox live status code 800705b4 means that the Xbox cannot play the selected media file. This can happen if the Xbox was not properly set up with Windows Media Player. This error can be corrected by choosing "Add Extender" in the Windows Media Player.
That your modem cant conect to the xbox, normally is because of your internet service.
You can redeem any kind of code no matter what Xbox Live status you have.
It means it cant transfer information from the xbox 360 marketplace
It means that you have either entered something wrong or xbox live manufacturers need to take a look into the status code fast because of so many complaints
First you need to make another Xbox live account
Your computer is infected by the xabarbi virus.
The card hasn't been activated yet. Either take it back to the retailer or call Xbox at 1-800-4MY-XBOX
Xbox live generator v1.7 does not work and will not work. Just buy a xbox live code.
You have to call Microsoft Support about it. It means you have a lock on your account, so they will ask you a bunch of questions, and then you won't get the code anymore.
The Xbox Live status code 8B050008 indicates that the console software needs updating. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu, select "System Settings" and then choose "Network Settings". After choosing the option for wired or wireless networks, the option to perform a software update will appear.
They are for xbox live subscriptions for xbox live. If you have one go on your xbox and Settings, Xbox Live, Redeem Code and type the following digits on the card.
The xbox does not allow you.