A ship
Do you mean Pieter Bruegel? Well, I am sure you do. He spelled his name Brueghel until 1559, and his sons retained the "h" in the spelling of their names. Pieter Bruegel was an artist who painted a picture with oil on canvas named Landscape with the fall of Icarus. This painting was done in 1558 and depicts a boy named Icarus falling and drowning while his surroundings, a peasant, a shepherd and a fisherman, are ignorant to the problem.
it is an artwork or painting done in only one coloure but difrnt shades for example light red normal reddark red maroonallthat in one art work with tone and detail
Yes, Charlie Bone saves Billy from the painting. I heard that In the 8th book (Charlie Bone and the Red Knight), Billy gets a home.
The juicy and ripened pear fruit from the Icarus painting of Vladimir Kush symbolizes the bravery of Icarus. His bravery in escaping King Minos by using wings he and his father made from feathers.
Ovid explains that the people on the coast watched Icarus fall, but the people ignore Icarus in the painting.
Both show Icarus drowning after the wax holding his wings together has melted. [APEX]
Probably because he thought of Icarus, who lost the wings his father had made for him, and fell into the sea.
Pointillism (dot painting) is another method of painting. It is a style popular (famous?) with some past and present artists.
A ship
Vance Kirkland couldn't have been influenced by Aboriginal dot art. Kirkland actually starting painting his dot paintings seven years before the Aboriginal dot trend began.
Brueghel's painting focuses on the people of the cost rather than lcarus.
Close to a passing ship (Apex)
Dot painting is like a Dot lisard e.g
The big red dot is a storm.