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Only a very small amount is needed, a cup should do, i woudl still recommend checking your test strips for pH and other related pool chemistry

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Q: Do you have to put chlorine daily in a 15 feet intex pool?
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Related questions

How do you maintain a small intex pool?

To maintain a small Intex pool you will need a filter, pool vacuum, pool test kit, net, and chemicals. Keep the filter running to clean the water, test the water daily. Adjust chemicals for chlorine, and PH. Use the net to scoop out leaves and debris as needed, vacuum the pool as needed as well.

How do you take care of easy set Intex pool 8 feet by 30 inches?

To take care of an easy set Intex pool that is 8 feet by 30 inches, you should run the filter each day. Clean the filter periodically. Check chemical levels each day. Add chlorine and adjust the PH as it is needed. Use a net to scoop out dirt, and leaves. Use a pool vacuum to clean the bottom of the pool when it is needed.

How can i bring my chlorine level down in a 12' intex easy set pool?

Just wait a while and the chlorine lever wil go down by its self.

Can you use a saltwater system in your above ground pool?

Absolutely. Even Intex the supplier to Walmart and toy stores sell a chlorine generator. Pool & Spa

Intex Pool Pumps?

form_title= Intex Pool Pumps form_header= Swim your summer away after you buy an Intex pool pump. What is the square footage of your swimming pool?*= _ [50] Is your pool a salt water pool?*= () Yes () No How often do you clean your pool?*= _ [50]

Where can one find information about intex pool?

An Intex swimming pool is a pre-made above ground pool company. These pools come in a variety of sizes and depths as well as with or without pumps.

Maintenance on above ground pool intex easy set?

How much chlorine, shock treatment, and conditioner do we put in an 18ft. x 48in pool? Also, how often does this need to be done?

Which is better intex pools or summers escape pool brand?

Intex pool brand and summer escape pool brand are both reliable and at a low cost , so either one would do the job.

You filled your intex pool with water now what?

Swim maybe?

Hard cover for intex above ground pool?


How many gallons does a 18x9 intex pool hold?


Intex pool vacuum?