Every pool in Florida needs to have a barrier or safety fence around the pool. An existing structure like a fence in some circumstances may count.
It all depends on your local laws and by-laws of the city you live in. In my opinion you should fence any size pool for safety measure.Do u need a fence for a pool
The responsibility will vary with the law of each city. In most cases, a fence will have to be built around the pool.
From the point of view of safety without surveillance the pool fence is safer. This is because the fence is always there, with a gate that closes automatically and locks so that toddlers cant open it. A pool safety cover is fine when it is in place however when it is not a toddler can approach the pool and there is nothing that protects him or her when they are not being watched.Another contributorI agree with the above answer, pool fence is definitely the way to go. In fact, in most areas it is law or soon will be. I say it will soon be law is because in December 2007 The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act of 2007 was signed into law. Even if some law does not require it, most insurance companies will make you do it or cancel your policy.
The main purpose of a pool fence is safety. It is meant to keep out children, animals and people who may try to get into the pool when no one is around. If something happens, you will feel bad and possibly be in trouble for not having a pool fence. One popular type of pool fence that is not only protective but attractive is the removable mesh pool fence. This fence is made to go as close to the pool as possible and will enclose the entire pool. Some fencing goes around the patio and the areas around the pool as well, but this removable mesh fence surrounds only the pool. By doing it this way, it protects anyone from going into the pool. The mesh fence cannot be climbed like a standard fence could be climbed. It is simply a screen, but is made to be very sturdy. The removable mesh pool fence should have a lifetime guaranty. If it does not, it may not be a good fence to buy. This fence will withstand the harshest weather, even in the winter. Since the fence is needed year round to keep everyone out of the pool, this is a very important safety factor. Also the fence has a border on all four sides of a strong vinyl material to keep the fence from sagging. The borders should use the strongest marine thread to last through years of sunlight and inclement weather. Before choosing a mesh pool fence, be sure it has four stitches in the border. The mesh is then mounted on reinforced aluminum poles and has aluminum cove molding strips attached to all of the poles. An optional safety gate is available to go with the removable mesh pool fence. This fence should have a snap safety latch. It is nickel-plated to assure that it will never get rusty. This gate should also come with a lifetime warranty to assure it is the true safety gate. There is also an optional wireless alarm that goes with the gate in case someone is trying to get into the pool area. This mesh pool fence comes in different heights including 3 1/2’, 4’, and 5’. It is probably the safest idea to go with the highest fence.
Where you can purchse a pool fence locally depends on your location. Online you can find durable and sturdy pool fences that can outstand almost any weather condition at www.intheswim.com.
form_title=Pool Fencing form_header=Keep your pool safe and secluded by having a pool fence installed. What are the dimensions of the pool?*= _[50] How tall would you like the fence?*= _[50] Would you like to include a childproof lock?*= () Yes () No
The EZ Guard fence is a great fence to install to protect your children, The lifesaver child fence would be my reccommendation for a child fence as I feel it is the best one on the market today and it has been for 25 years.
If the fence was a pre-fabricated pool safety fence with aluminum poles and nylon mesh (commonly installed in 8 foot lengths, 4 feet high), the manufacturer sells plugs for fitting left behind in the deck. This is preferred to filling them because they can removed later should you or subsequent owners wish to replace the fence.
Yes, Pool Guard Pool Fence of western New York state services. They are affordable and very safety conscience when it comes to installing pool fencing.
Out away from the pool.
Homeowners are required to have a pool fence if a pool is located on their property. This protects young children, animals, the elderly or people who cannot swim from falling in and drowning. Finding a pool fence is an easy process. There are hundreds of businesses that provide pool fences. These pool fence businesses will give the homeowner a price, and if the homeowner finds that price to be acceptable, the pool fence will be installed on the property for a small fee. Finding a pool fence that looks perfect and compliments the home is the biggest challenge, but luckily with the internet, a homeowner can search, get ideas and pick the perfect type of pool fence for their property. Legally, if a homeowner does not choose to install and maintain a pool fence, they can be fined by the county and sued if something tragic happens. Even with a pool fence, accidents still happen. There are hundreds of cases every year throughout the world that document a small child or disabled individual falling into a pool and drowning. A pool fence provides a large amount of safety by blocking the perimeter off, but attention and awareness are still required. A pool fence just creates a barrier, it does not stop accidents from happening. Installing a pool fence does not take a long time. Typically a wood fence can be installed in one day provided the installer has all the necessary tools, equipment and help needed in installing the various pieces correctly. Wood pool fences are the most common throughout the United States, while steel fences are popular in Europe. Wood fences present a classic design but are prone to breaking easier if exposed to harsh elements like strong winds, tornadoes or hurricanes. This must be taken into account if you live in an area that has harsh conditions throughout the year. Choosing the right pool fence for you home is an important decision for anyone who has or plans on having a pool. Protecting the young children, elderly or disabled in your family is important and necessary so invest in a strong pool fence that will last for years.