You will need Hercules to move the large rocks blocking the throne rooms of Poseidon and Hades. Hercules will not help you until you have collected all 5 of the sacred items and returned them to the Tree of Immortality (where Zeus steals them from you).
To transport Hercules, you will need the Touchscreen Mirror from Aphrodite's test on the beach (the gods are Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Hestia).
keep prestiging
You get Hercules to smash it.
You have to swim through an underwater maze. Pop bubbles for oxygen.
swim of shore and there it will say dive thats the underwater cave
you find the ham where you find the scale in the cave underwater. hope this helps!
Because i have been and that i will tell you the coordinators for the island 30o 45'n, 45o 30'w
To get past the rock barrier in Poseidon's waters, you have to get Hercules to kick it down for you. You can only get him to help after Zeus has the five sacred items.
The Hydra is in his underwater lair. Swim out from the beach to the underwater maze, then go right, down, and left to find the Giant Pearl and the entrance to the Hydra cave.
No. Steve Irwin was diving near the Great Barrier Reef, filming an underwater documentary, when he was killed by a stingray.
First, you need the touchscreen mirror from aphrodite. then you go to Poesiedon's home. you will be under water. to get to what is past the barrier without breaking it you wait until you are out of air and then you will be under it.
Yes, you need the Hydra scale as one of the five sacred items to fulfill the quest.
yes. Merritt Island is a barrier island.