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You should add a few granules to some water, and then add this water to your hot tub water a very small amount at a time. See the related link I posted for more information on testing and using the chemicals.

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Q: How do you mix and add stabilizer to your pool?
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Cloudy pool free chlorine is not reading stabilizer is low but pH is ok?

Add chlorine and stabilizer.

What to use when pool water won't hold chlorine?

you have to aid a conditioner or stabilizer with cynaric acid in it.

Do add stabilizer then shock?

Shock first, then check your stabilizer. Add stabilizer as needed.

Can you swim in a pool after adding stabilizer?

Stabilizer can effect the pH some but usually it is a very minor amount. You should be able to swim the same day.

How do you raise the cyanuric acid level in pool water?

Remove some water in container (10-20%) and add new water. example: pump water high in cyanuric acid out of a swimming pool and the add fresh water to the pool.

Is pool stabilizer and shock the same?

No, pool shock is normally a really strong chlorine and stabilizer is like sunscreen for the chlorine

How do you make stabilizer for air conditioner?

You mix stabilizer powder and water

Is there a cheap substitute for pool stabilizer?


You continually add chlorine tablets to your pool and still the chlorine is way to low How do you raise it up?

Check if you have any stabilizer in your pool without stabilizes (cyanuric acid) the chlorine use is greatly increased.

What to do when your pool does not retain chlorine?

Ad cyanuric acid/stabilizer, this is available from your pool shop

When do you add stabilizer to the pool?

Stabilizer is used to protect Chlorine from the UV rays of the sun. If chlorine is not protected from the sun, all the shock you added yesterday will be gone by lunchtime today. A normal stabizer level is around 40ppm (parts per million) if you get above 100 ppm your pool water can lock up and chemicals will become inactive. Also note: if your level becomes too high the only way to lower it is to exchange water in the pool. If you use a stabilized chlorine, it will, over time increase your stabilizer level in the pool. So be careful not to over stabilize. It is better to error on the side of under stabilize the to over stabilize. Stabilizer is also known as Cyanuric Acid

When adding stabilizer to a salt water pool is the backwash running while pouring in the stabilizer?

When adding stabilizer to a pool you should not have a backwash valve open. Stabilizer should be added directly into the skimmer basket and you should open the skimmer all the way and close off the main drains for 24 hours.