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They will most likely work, they just have to have the same specifications.

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Q: How do you tell by looking at above ground pool pumps verses inground pool pumps if they will work for my inground pool?
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How is an above ground pool pump different from an in ground pool pump?

In simplest terms, an above ground pool pump is a flooded suction pump, which means the water level must be higher than the pump for it to operate, and an inground pump has the ability to draw water up from a level lower than the pump. The engineering and structure of these two different types of pumps is what makes them work the way they do. This means that, in a typical installation, you could use an inground-specific pump on an above ground pool, but not an above ground pump on an inground pool with the water level below the pump.

Can an in ground pool slide be used for an above ground pool? In simplest terms, an above ground pool pump is a flooded suction pump, which means the water level must be higher than the pump for it to operate, and an inground pump has the ability to draw water up from a level lower than the pump. The engineering and structure of these two different types of pumps is what makes them work the way they do. This means that, in a typical installation, you could use an inground-specific pump on an above ground pool, but not an above ground pump on an inground pool with the water level below the pump.

Do inground swimming pools last?

Yes, I know some friends with an inground swimming pool and they have had it for quit some time now. I am pretty sure that they last more than an above ground.

How do I choose between an inground and above ground pool.?

An in ground pool and an above ground pool have difference maintenance requirements. You should start by researching the time and effort it would take to maintain them. Then make your decision based on your research.

How much do above ground pools cost in comparison to in ground pools?

In simplest terms, an above ground pool pump is a flooded suction pump, which means the water level must be higher than the pump for it to operate, and an inground pump has the ability to draw water up from a level lower than the pump. The engineering and structure of these two different types of pumps is what makes them work the way they do. This means that, in a typical installation, you could use an inground-specific pump on an above ground pool, but not an above ground pump on an inground pool with the water level below the pump.

Is an above ground pool a good idea?

If you don't have the money for a inground one. An attractive deck around it would help. and are they are reliable. But buy a good one.

Which is better to use for an inground pool a steel wall or a plywood wall?

Hmmm, I wonder just how long a plywood wall would last in ground or above ground for that matter? You might want to consult a pool builder.

What are the pros and cons of an inground pool kit vs concrete?

I think you are asking about above-ground, versus a concrete inground. In ground:PROS:Nice looking, more durable/not very suceptable to damage or UV detioration (except for ground shift). Last many years (30+, if maintained well and in good soil) CONS: Expenseive to build. Expensive to repair. Permanent. Ground shifting, as with clay soils, cn cause structural damage. You are stuck with the design/style you have. Above ground:PROS: Cost less. Easy to put up. Easy to take down. Easy/inexpensive to get the latest style/features CONS: Some people consider them tacky compared to inground. More subject to damage and UV deterioration. Do not last very many years(3-5) I have inground gunite pool. I like the look of it, but if I were starting from scratch I would probably opt for an above-ground pool. == == Pros: don't have to deal with walls cracking, easier to install and cheaper, easier to clean since it has a smooth surface, quicker to install. Cons: can't let your animals swim on it for they might scratch the liner, can be subject to puncture and locating it could be hard.