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When filling a cup/glass with full water the card/lid will not stay up.

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Q: How does water not spill out when glass covered with card board upside down?
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Why does the water inside the glass covered with paper does not spill when you turn the glass upside down?

The air pressure pushing up on the paper is greater than the gravitational force pulling down on the water, creating a temporary barrier that holds the water in place. This creates a vacuum seal, preventing the water from spilling out when the glass is turned upside down.

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it depends on what you spill on it. xp

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shark gets covered in oilthe gills get covered in oil and it suffocates

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When Marjory accidentally tipped over her glass, she spilled milk everywhere.

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No. Shaking the glass of fizzy drink will spill it everywhere.

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you drink,sip or spill it.but mostly drink it

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Yes, all news stores are archived online. I would look at CNN because they covered that spill extensively.

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When A (ordinary) glass bottle is filled to the brim with mercury. If the temperature of both the bottle and mercury are increased by 19.3oC what fraction of the mercury will spill out of the bottle?

When the temperature of the glass bottle and mercury increases, the volume of both also increases. However, since mercury has a greater coefficient of volume expansion than the glass, it will expand more, causing it to spill out of the bottle. The fraction that will spill out can be calculated using the coefficients of volume expansion for mercury and glass, along with the initial volume of mercury and bottle.

Are glass thermometers safe?

no because if dropped the Mercury can spill causing poisoning, and the fumes are also poisonous

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clean it all up very carefully