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Q: How is Poseidon represented?
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Related questions

What animal represented Poseidon?

The Horse

What is Poseidon's facial expressions?

Poseidon, being the God of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses, is usually represented as a stern older man with curly hair and beard

What traits do Zeus and medusa have in common?

Aside from being mythological, nothing. Zeus is the personification of the sky. As a consort of Poseidon, Medusa represented the dangers of the uncharted seas.

What does Poseidon symbolize?

Poseidon was the lord of the ocean and the most violent and jealous of the gods. Poseidon took posession of a chain of islands and named them Atlantis and the surrounding waters the Atlantic, they were named after his first born of ten son's Atlas.

What is the name of the Greek god Poseidon?

Poseidon's Greek name was Poseidon. Poseidon's Roman name was Neptune.

Why is Poseidon honored?

he is poseidon

Is Poseidon god of gods?

No, Zeus is. Poseidon is god of the sea

Why is Poseidon so important in Greek mythology?

poseidon was one of the three original greek gods along with hades and Zeus. the three of them were believed to stop the evil titians rule and control the earth Zeus claimed the heavens and created the people while hades got the underworld where the dead went and poseidon was given the seas to control. poseidon is also known as god of the storms, earthquakes and horses. he is represented by the symbols trident, fish dolphin, horse and bull. his parents wre Cronus and Rhea. his children theseus, Triton and polyphemus.

Did Athena have a crush on Poseidon?

No Poseidon did not have a crush on Athena. Athena was the niece of Poseidon, her father was Zeus the brother of Poseidon. Athena was a virgin goddess.

Is Athena Poseidon wife?

No, Athena is not the wife of Poseidon, in some myths Poseidon is the father of Athena; but the wife of Poseidon is Amphitrite.

What is in a Poseidon's Pack?

Poseidon's pack consists of Poseidon's horseshoes, saddle, and bridle.

Who gave Poseidon his trident?

Poseidon's uncle the Cyclops gave poseidon his trident.