How long will a hair Texturizer last
Until the jello turns green, grows hair and growls menacingly in the back of the refrigerator.
Just wash out the chemicals, you should be fine. Just don't go swimming after the relaxer because it is bad for your hair.
If you have long hair, my best advice would be to pull your hair in a pony tail or a bun. That's what I do when I go swimming. Plus, you could always use a swimming cap. But those things like to pull hair when you take them off.
yes there are temporary hair sprays or dyes that last a few months. as long as they keep good care of their hair and keep it moisturized then it should turn out good.
"I have long hair and green eyes."
it depneds on the quality of the hair
1 hour.
One to two days
10 minutes
If your hair is blonde, you can buy green hair dye and dye it according to directions or get it done at a professional salon. If your hair is darker, then you have to bleach it then add color to your hair. This can also be done at a salon. If you are asking for like a way to turn your hair green by accident, if your hair is blonde and you leave chlorine in it too long, eventually your hair reacts and it turns green.
Not for long, because it is not permanent.