It will certainly not stay cold as long as if it were capped.
If you stay with the water on your head fro a long time, then you might catch a cold and fever with a cough.
It usually depends on how hot the lava and how cold the water is. I think it can take around half a minute for the lava to cool off when its in cold water and that's all i can think of.
The boy poured a bucket of cold water on himself to stay awake.
Warm water tends to stay on top of cold water because it is less dense. When water is heated, the molecules move farther apart, making warm water less dense than cold water. This difference in density causes warm water to float on top of cold water.
Antarctica is the coldest continent, and remains cold, permanently.
how long can garter snakes stay under water?
If they are soaking in cold water about 4 to 5 days before they go limp and slimy.
when the molecules of the A-b powered atoms combine with the hot water the liquid becomes one atomic atom which then represents the liquid which makes the water stay at its cold temperature which it will stay at until the molecules are solidified by the surrounding temperature.
The correct homophone is "too" cold to stay outside very long.
They can stay under water for 10 seconds.