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Such a small amount of water will require small amounts of chlorine. Not a good idea to use Clorox bleach. Purchase a test kit and thru repeat testing will you know what it takes for your pool at any given time. Vague, but there is no given formula for every situation.


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12y ago

Its easier to give you figures for 10,000 gallons...then divide accordingly.

Keep in mind its important to keep PH 7.2-7.6 and Alkalinity between 50-100 recommended if this is for a pool application.

At 12.5% sodium hypochlorite (which is concentration for bleach bought from pool store) 11oz per 10,000 gallons will add 1PPM chlorine to your water. To shock 52-100oz per 10,000 gal. depending on severity of the water.

If the concentration is lower (6%) like it is with store bought bleach like Chlorox then dosage will have to be doubled. Like 20oz per 10,000 gallons of water for 1PPM. To shock with grocery store bleach you are looking at 1 gallon (128oz) per 10,000 gallons of water.

One last thought...your CYA Cyanic Acid levels will affect how often chlorine dissipates in your pool. Its best to test daily until you get a feel for your pools personality and how often you will need to add.

Hope this helps. : )

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11y ago

I have found out that I can add clorox, baking power, and borox to my 8000 gallon pool instead of buying all the chemicals but I am not sure how much to use can you help me?

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Q: How many gallons of Clorox bleach per 1000 gallons of pool water?
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A solution of 1 part bleach to 1000 parts water means that for every 1 unit of bleach, you would need 1000 units of water. This dilution ratio is commonly used for disinfecting surfaces in household cleaning. It's important to follow proper safety precautions and ventilation when handling bleach solutions.

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