You need the formula for the volume of a cylinder: Volume of a cylinder= "pie"x "r squared"x "height" Volume of your Swimming Pool = (22/7) x (7.5) x (7.5) x (4) = 707.14 CUBIC FEET Convert to Gallons => 7.481 x 707.14 = 5,290 GALLONS Keep in mind that this is a perfect cylinder. If the sides of your pool are sloping then your pool contains less water and you should probably calculate the lower bounds with a 7 foot radius. This can be a significantamount of waterwhen adding chlorine and algaecide.
Here's a formula for round pools:
distance across*distance across*depth*5.9
for rectangles:
or for a deep end:
length*width*((shallow end depth + deep end depth)/2)*7.5
so in your case, assuming it's inground with a 3 foot shallow end and an 8 foot deep end, 15*48*(3+8)/2*7.5=30000 gallons
If your pool is 4' to the water line and rectangle shaped 15 x 48 x 4 x 7.48 (gallons per cubic foot for rectangles) = 21,542 US gallons. If your pool is 4' to the water line and oval shaped 15 x 48 x 4 x 5.9 = 16,992 US gallons. If you meant 48" instead of 48' and your pool is round then 15 x 15 x 4 x 5.9 = 5,310 US gallons.
A 2-foot round pool with 12 inches of water is holding about 23.6 gallons of water.
About 17,204 gallons.
17,204 gallons.
About 15,293 gallons.
About 7,600 gallons
Approx. 20k gallons.
15,954 US gallons of water.
A 12-foot round pool with 33-inches of water contains 2,336.4 gallons of water.
141.06 gallons
About 4,650 gallons.