It should be on "FILTER"
about an inch below the TOP of the filter...there should be a line on your filter...
Absolutely. Many people excacate and then place an above ground pool into the hole such that a foot or two stays above ground. Also make sure you either have clearance for your filter system or run the line into the ground and up to the filter as well.
YES it should be no problem
Install a new filter
It should be on filter and don't forget to backwash at least once a week.
Probably not going to be adequate.
Probably not going to be adequate.
Attempting to obtain step by step diagrams connecting an above ground pool to a sand filter.
No, unless there is something wrong with the water that can't be handled by the filter and normal chemicals.
There may be a part broken inside the filter allowing waste to bypass and circulate back into the pool. You should clean the filter then inspect for cracks, rips or other damage.