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Reuse paper instead of throwing it away after use it

Find out the amount of water used in producing the food you eat.

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Simple ways to conserve water are to check pipes and faucets for leaks or use a water meter to check for leaks. You could also take shorter showers, and average shower lasts for 20 minutes. Do not leave tap running when rinsing your razor or after you have wet your toothbrush. These are just a few of many more ways to conserve water at home.

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Why do have to conserve water?

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we can conserve under ground water in the summer season if we save our water when we have it.

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Yes, all of us can conserve water. We can make the difference.

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You need a Eevee and a water stone use the water stone on eevee! Simples!

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Individuals can conserve water by taking shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing their teeth.

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they conserve energy because it uses energy to make water flow into your taps.

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Farmers and other Industries can conserve water by recycling it to be used again.

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Birds, insects and reptiles conserve water by excreting uric acid. This is because the solubility of uric acid in water is poor thus can conserve water easily.

Average hot water usage per person?

On average, a person uses hot water for showering and for preparing food. A person can use about 50 liters of hot water in a day.

What to do to ensure a dependable water supply?

You can conserve water.