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Q: What do people prefer seeded or seedless watermelons?
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What do most people like better seeded or seedless watermelons?


Does seedless watermelon taste different from regular watermelon?

I don't think so, no.AnswerSince seedless watermelons are highly hybridised I prefer the taste of the older varieties that preceded the need to breed for transportation purposes and other practical reasons... but that is just a personal opinion ! AnswerSeedless watermelon tastes bland, the texture is mushy in the center. It is a horrible hybrid and nobody seems to sell the natural seeded melons anymore. I like watermelon but I end up throwing away that worthless seedless hybrid they are selling. I like seedless grapes but seedless wmelon is no good.AnswerI have been trying to find a seeded watermelon for years and no store in my area will sell them. This is very very very sad. The seedless watermelon taste terrible, are picked green, are not sweet and are a very bad replacement for the juicy sweet wonderful seeded watermelon I knew as a child. And the size of the seedless watermelons are much smaller and a person pays the same price for the smaller watermelon as we have paid for the large beautiful seeded watermelon. The stores think we like the seedless varieties and don't have a clue....we hate them. Please bring back the seeded watermelon; we would even pay more if we have to to get them. I won't buy a seedless watermelon again if I don't have to.

What are seeded plants called?


Is a spore a seedless or seeded plant?

Definatly seeded. No doubt cause I study spores.

Is a hornworts a seedless or seeded plant?

Hornworts are seedless plants. They reproduce through spores, not seeds.

What are good questions to ask about Seedless plants?

Good questions to ask about Seedless Plants could include: - what are the differences between seedless and seeded plants? - Do seedless plants have better nutritional value than seeded plants? - Why do certain plants contain seeds?

Is a fern a seedless or seeded plant?

Fern is seedless plant. It bears the spores. It is less evolved plant.

Do seedless grapes have more sugar than ones with seeds?

seeded grapes have seeds in them and seedless grapes don't have seeds in them.

What is seeded watermelon?

Seeded watermelon has large black seeds in pink part, as well as some small white ones. SeedLESS watermelon came out a while ago--it has almost no seeds; usually there are still a few little white seeds. The term "seeded" watermelon is just to distinguish it from "seedless" watermelon.

Is a dicot a seedless or seeded plant?

Dicotyledon is the word, which describe the type of seed. Seed can be divided into two parts, as you remove the cover of the seed. Very obviously the it's a seeded plant.

Is a conifer seedless or a seeded plant?

Conifers are seeded plants, meaning they produce seeds as part of their reproductive cycle. These seeds are usually found inside cones, which are a characteristic feature of conifers.

Is yellow flower a seedless or a seed plant?

i would say vascular seeded because it has roots and can grow tall