I have found the most effective way to get rid of the water sitting on top of a pool liner, is to purchase a submersible pump at your local hardware store, with enough hose to extend from the pump to where you want the water to drain (yard). AND ensure you have a top quality extension cord so you don't electrocute yourself or others if the connection goes under water. Just push the submersible pump to the deepest part of the water on top of the cover, plug it in, and it will drain a large part of it away before you even start removing the cover for the summer. Or you could filter the water after treating it with chemicals and pump it under the cover so you don't have to wait for rain or buy water to top off the pool. It does't have to be perfectly clear because you will treat all the water when you take the cover off.
A pool cover is an important part of any pool setup. When your pool is going to be in use, you do not need to have a pool cover. When it is not going to be used for an extended period of time, you should put on a pool cover.
The basic reason for putting a pool cover over your pool is to keep the pool clean and protected from falling debris while the pool pump is shut off. It also is an important safety device as it will keep small children away and reduce the danger of accidental drowning.
Pool covers come in different sizes and are made out of several different types of material. For the most part, they are a tarp that is stretched over the entire surface of the pool and anchored into place to prevent it from moving. They may be made of a waterproof canvas, vinyl or some type of heavy duty plastic.
You should never try to walk on a pool cover as it may not support your weight and you could fall into the pool. If that should happen, you better hope someone is nearby to help, because, trying to extract yourself from a collapsed pool cover is nearly impossible. So the best piece of advice is to stay off of pool covers.
Some people mistakenly think they have to drain their pool before putting on a pool cover. That is wrong. Draining your pool, unless you need to do some major cleaning or repair, is not necessary. In fact, unless you have a rigid pool cover, where it is safe to walk on, you are better off leaving the empty pool uncovered. It is much safer and people will be able to see that there is no water in the pool and just stay away.
When the weather starts to turn warmer and you decide it is time to get the pool up and running, you should remove the pool cover, roll it up, and store it away for the next off season. Take the time to add chlorine and other chemicals to restore the proper pH in the water. Then, jump in and cool off!
You must first DRAIN the water off the pool cover!! Get a hose or plastic tube (available from most pet stores (fish department) and syphon off the water. This will take th weight of the water off the cover so you can lift it off of the pool.
Water evaporation from a pool with a cover on is greatly reduced compared to a pool without a cover. The cover helps to create a barrier that prevents evaporation caused by wind and sunlight. The reduction in evaporation can be as much as 90% with a cover on.
Pump the water out or put a cover over the pool.
I am not sure why this has not been answered. The most common reason for the green is algae growth. If you put on a solar cover and ignore pool maintenance, then the algae will grow as the water heats and when you remove the cover, the pool will be green
It's not possible to add optimizer plus to a pool with the solar cover on. You will need to remove the solar cover from part or all of the pool in order to put optimizer or other pool treatment products into your swimming pool water.
If you are referring to the water on top of the cover, it is best to drain it first and then remove the pool cover starting from one end. This way you don't have to contend with a complete mess in the pool water.
The water is going to evaporate at some rate with or without a cover. You need to add water to the pool at least once per week. Evaporation rates without a cover would be close to 1.5" per week in most areas. k
you can, but to be more efficient i recommend that you don't just so your not really wasting water but what you can do is get a pool cover so nothing gets in the water.
at night before u go 2 bed Or The pool cover , I think, would be on when the pool is not in use. Also, the cover should be off for a period of the day after you add chemicals to the water. The water needs to "gas off" after the addition of chemicals. k
I'm going to assume you mean the cushions that under the pool cover. They keep the rain water from pooling up on your cover.
The swimming pool is a great thing to have in the backyard on those stifling, humid summer days. What better way is there to relax after work than to take a dip in your own pool. However, there needs to be a pool cover to keep the pool water clean, and keep the pool safe from any children sneaking in without adult supervision. A very new, safe and efficient pool cover is the automatic swimming pool cover. The pool’s heating bills can be cut by 85% and also cut back on 93% of water evaporation. The cover will keep the pool cleaner from insects and leaves. This swimming pool cover not only saves energy, but also saves water, money and most importantly, lives. An average of 19,000 gallons of water can be saved each year with this automatic cover. Lower heating bills will save money. The most important reason for this kind of cover is the fact that it saves lives. Even though you may have a fence around the pool, and an alarm set if someone goes in the water, a person can still drown in a short time by being in the water alone. With the pool cover there, the person will stay on top of the cover and not even be able to go down into the water. This is certainly a peace of mind when your pool is closed for the evening, or when no one is home. The automatic pool cover has a powerful waterproof motor. It can be operated by a wireless touchpad and a touchpad to add security. There is practically zero maintenance involved with this automatic pool cover. A long warranty comes with the purchase of the cover that may exceed other pool covers in the business. If the swimming pool is small or mid-sized, a manual pool cover using a hand crank and a rope tether will also work well. It will still provide the safety and cleanliness as the automatic pool cover. For those pools that experience winter weather parts of the year, a pin-down mesh or vinyl pool cover can do the same job as the automatic pool covers. The automatic will probably not work as well in the winter and snowy weather, so a pin-down model will be just a advantageous.
So that the cover does not sink when it has rain water and or leaves on it.