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Its called Mastic. Call a local pool distributor in your area and ask for a professional recommendation. It is a tough job that even this seasoned pool professional leaves it to people who do pool construction. Luke Pool Service, Tucker, GA

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I use a GE silicone, but that's not as important as being sure it makes a waterproof seal.

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Q: Where can you find a filler that goes between the concrete deck and the pool stone gap filler?
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What is the difference between decks and patios?

Generally speaking, a patio is an on-ground deck most commonly made of stone or concrete. A deck is generally a raised surface that is made from wood or composite materials.

Concerned about the gap between the concrete edge or trim of pool and the rest of the concrete flooring?

I assume the "gap" you refer to is the expansion joint between the coping and the concrete deck. The expansion joint is there to prevent damage from occurring in case of movement. There should be no reason for concern, unless you are replacing the deck.

Laying Deck Tiles?

Most people look to concrete or wood when planning their deck, but you can mix things up by choosing beautiful deck tile. Easy to install and simple to care for, these tiles will give your deck a luxurious, sophisticated look you are sure to appreciate. If you will be putting tiles over a wood deck, be sure that you check the structure strength. If necessary, add some joists for strength. On the top of the deck, use special hardie backer to stiffen the surface and prepare it for tile. If you are working with concrete, use a four-foot level to make sure it is perfectly smooth. Grind high spots flat and use concrete filler to raise low spots.

Is a Kool Deck brand surface from Mortex applied when the concrete deck slab is fresh?

The Kool Deck topping can be applied on BOTH fresh concrete and existing concrete with the PTA bonding agent. It is most commonly applied on fresh pours because of labor and timing simplicity, which lowers cost. Kool Deck toppings applied on existing concrete bond equally well as a Kool Deck surface applied to a fresh pour.

If you have a natural stone product to go down over existing concrete pool decking can you set the stone on the pool deck with polyurethane adhesive instead of mortar and would it be strong enough?

i wouldn't suggest it. . .i would follow the manufacturers directions

How durable is kool deck compared to concrete for instance?

I have seen Kool-Deck by Mortex last over 20 years if done properly. Kool-Deck only works on brand new concrete as it is applied the same day the concrete is poured and MUST be done by an experienced installer. If the concrete is already there then use one of the polymer modified "spraydecks." "Preferred" is a good brand to use. Spraydecks are not as cool as Kool Deck but at least it works on existing concrete.

What is concrete haunch?

section of solid concrete that results from stopping the deck on each side of the girder in a composite floor system constructed using a formed steel deck.

Difference between backyard decks and patios?

A deck or patio can really liven up a garden space! Once you get started thinking about it, you will have to have one. A deck refers to a raised, usually wooden, platform that comes up off the ground, level with the house if it is raised up. A patio is typically a stone or concrete slab that sits directly on the ground as a foundation for furniture.

Concrete, Brick & Stone?

form_title=Concrete, Brick & Stone Does your project involve concrete, brick or stone (Select all that apply)?*= [] Concrete [] Brick [] Stone What best explains your project type (Select all that apply)?*= [] Patio, Walks and Steps [] Driveway [] Floor [] Foundations [] Chimney or Fireplace [] Deck or Porch [] Siding [] Tile [] Walls [] Waterproofing Choose the appropriate status for this project:*= {Ready to hire, Planning and budgeting} When would you like this project to be completed?*= {Timing is flexible, Less than 2 months, 2 to 4 months, 4 to 6 months, More than 6 months}

How do you build a simple deck?

Building a simple deck is simple of course. But you will need a lot of tools that include drills, bolts, screwdrivers, saws and concrete mix. You will have to make the deck first using wood, cutting the wood into smaller pieces and shapes after measuring where you want to put your deck. After doing this you can start on the concrete, mix the concrete with the water until wet, and begin to place on the space you wish the deck to be.

How do you lift the deck?

You can use a jack to lift it but make sure the decks footings are able to be lifted and aren't screwed in to something that won't move with the deck. Also make sure the jack is on something solid like concrete, 2x10, 12x12 paver stone, etc. something that won't compress.

What type of foundation would most commonly be used for a deck or porch?

concrete piers and a concrete foundation