It can. If you can break it do so and throw floating plastic containers in the water preferably in a row in the middle from one side to the other this Will reduce the risk of ice expanding towards the edge of the pool. instead it will head towards the floats.
I general, the answer is yes. It the crack comes from the pool moving, and the gunite has cracked, then the gunite has to be repaired before the plaster. Sometimes opening up the gunite crack and refilling with concrete will answer the problem. If movement of the soil is the problem then that has to be fixed first.The soil getting excessivly wet and dry can mean that the pool will move, if it is only part of the pool then there will be a structuaral crack. Only opening up the crack will tell you whether it is a plaster crack or a gunite crack. A replaster is from about $2000 up and structuaral repairs from about $1000
Insalall thick carpet.
Hmmmm, just what is "an archer" ???? You mean a person with a bow and arrow?
I would think if the the crack is present only in the plaster, and not the tile, it may be surface. If, for instance my pool, has a cracked tile and the crack is extended down the side of the plaster, it is structural.
Pebble sheen is the finish on the surface of a pool gunite is the cement that a pool is constructed from in other words you can finish a gunite pool with pebble sheen.
By Gunite I assume that you were told you have a gunite pool, The gunite part is the foundation of the pool and does not require watering. The surface which is plaster over the top of the gunite needs water. If you just had your pool replastered in the last couple of days it is critical to fill it with water so the plaster can dry. If your plaster is older and been under water before a few days is not going to hurt. Although you do want to get it full of water as soon as possible. Kenny Kummer Brody Chemical
building pool myself just want to contract out the gunite job are you interested
The average cost of a gunite pool is $75,000. The price for the installation of this type of pool can range from $50,000 to $100,000.
Gunite is a trowled-on cement coating similar to stucco.
In the frost belt Vinyl is better..Gunite is one of the strongest pools but when it freezes it can crack.. I agree. Vinyl is better and it will feel so soft and smooth on your feet.