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Yes it will.

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Q: Will a wheel barrel float in a pool?
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What is the wheel barrel?

A wheel barrel s a a cart with on wheel

What if you die in the pool?

you float...

Is it better to float in a pool or a ocean?

a ocean because the salt water makes you float and a pool water doesn't.

Why is the pool good for your muscels?

because u swim in the pool and it relaxes Ur body when u float on a float! DA!

What is a cylindrical barrel on a wheel and axle?

a cylinrical barrel is literally a cylinder. they can be found on wheel and axles

Where do you use pool float?

In the pool, or in any large body of water.

Where can someone purchase a pool float?

Someone can purchase a pool float from a number of online retailers such as amazon. Amazon has a large selection of pool floats from a number of different manufacturers.

Would a barrel of whiskey float?

The specific gravity of whiskey is less than water (.924-.947), so the volume of whiskey itself would float in water. Given that the barrel is made of wood (and should float by itself), a sealed barrel full of whiskey should float.

What is the difference between wheel barrel wheel barrow?

A wheel barrow is a one or two wheeled device used to carry small loads. A wheel barrel is just a misspelling of the first.

Why will a cork float in a swimming pool?

A cork has a low density. It is lower then water. That causes it to float.

Does cigarettes float to the top of a swimming pool?


Why is it easier to float in the sea than the pool?

It is easier to float because the sea water is denser than water found in a swimming pool. This is caused by the salt in the oceans.