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Yes a lawn mower is a compound machine. Example: The wheel is a wheel and axle.

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Q: A lawn mower is an example of a compound machine?
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Is a lawn mower a compound machine?

Yes, it is a compound machine.

How is a lawn mower a compound machine?

A compound machine is a machine made up of two or more simple machines. So a lawn mower, push or riding, has Wheel and axle set ups, levers for the throttle and mower blade. That's why it's a compound machine.

What is a copound machine an five example?

There are more than 5 things that is a compound machine. Things like bulldozer, lawn mower, type writer, hand drill and pencil sharpener are compound machines.

How do you describe a lawn mower?

I would say a lawn mower is a machine that cuts grass.

What is a lawn mower?

A lawn mower is a machine that cuts grass. It can be motorized or not. It can be pushed or you can ride it. It means work.

Is a gas powered lawn mower a simple machine?


What simple machines make up lawn mowers?

There are four simple machines used to make the compound machine known as the lawn mower. These simple machines are the wheel and axle, the screw, the lever, and the wedge.

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Is a lawn sprinkler a Compound Machine?

Yes. The lawn sprinkler has a lever and a screw.

What is an example of a compound prepositional phrase in a sentence?

An example of a compound prepositional phrase in a sentence is "She walked down the street and into the park." In this sentence, "down the street" and "into the park" are both compound prepositional phrases because they each consist of more than one prepositional phrase combined together to provide more detail about the action of walking.

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How to Change the Tires on Self-Propelled lawn Mower

What is a gas lawn mower?

A gas lawn mower is a lawn mower which is powered by gasoline.