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Q: How do you repair oil in a Benjamin air rifle?
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What to lubricate plunger barrel with on a Benjamin Franklin 342 air rifle?

I would use Crosman Pellgun oil. Or RWS air gun oil.

What oil can you use in the spring piston of an air rifle?

Pellgun oil by Crosman. Do not use anything else. It will ruin the seals.

Can you increase the power from your air rifle?

Their are several ways to increase the power of and Air Rifle. But you will need the right tools. Polishing the air chamber will help. Remove any burrs in the slide action will help. using lighter pellets will increase the speed but not the power. Never use regular oil on an ait gun only use pellgun oil. Regular oil will eventually ruin the seals. A bigger spring will help, but make sure you rifle can handle the modification. Their are several airgun shops on the web that can modify or tune up an airgun. Check under "Airgun repair" or "Airgunsmith" on the web and you will find several.

How do you make a HW57 Air Rifle more powerful?

There are several ways of making an Air rifle perform better, but most are costly. You could have an air rifle expert "TUNE" it for you. That is have the spring cylinder polishes and the spring either replaced or have it trimmed. The trigger is also another popular item to replaced. All of these can cost as much as the rifle is worth. To locate someone to "Tune" the rifle for you, try the web under "Air gun repair' or "Airgun tuning." One simple way to increase the FPS of an airgun is to put a flat thin sponge in the bottom of your pellet tin, then place a few drops of "Crosman Pellgun Oil' in the sponge. Place your pellets back in the tin and roll them around in the oily sponge. this will lubricate the pellets and they will lubricate the barrel. You will also get a faster FPS and you will notice the difference. Never use regular oil it can damage the seals. Always use Crosman Pellgun oil or RWS pellet gun oil.

Where do you put speed oil in a ruger air hawk rifle?

You don't. Only add crosman pellgun oil. Other oils can damage the seals.

How you increase power on bsa scorpion T10?

There are a few things that can be done to help improve the power of a air rifle. The simplest is use lighter pellets or put a thin sponge in the bottom of your pellet tin and then place a few drops of Crosman pellgun oil. Put you pellets back in and let them absorb the oil. This will lubricate the pellets and the barrel. Or you can search the web for an air gun repair shop that tunes air rifles.

How do you make a crosman 760 air rifle pump easier?

A person can make the pump easier to operate on a Crosman 760 air rifle by applying oil to the seals. This will provide lubrication and improve the overall action of the weapon.

How do you increase the power of a falcon prairie air rifle?

Add a few drops of Crosman Pellgun oil to your pellets.

What simple car repair jobs can a novice undertake easily?

A simple car repair job a novice can undertake is the replacement of the car's tire, car battery, air filter, fuses, oil filter, engine oil and windshield wiper.

How do you lubricate air rifle?

Stay away from commercial lubricant's. I suggest that you use only lubricants designed for Air rifles like the ones made by Crosman ( Perllgunoil) or RWS. Other oils may actually damage the seals in the rifle. Never use a firearms cleaning agents on Air guns they will damage the seals. Remember Real Firearms don't use o-rings like Air rifles. Follow the instructions for the proper places to oil the Air rifle. If you have a C02 rifle or pistol put a drop on Air gun oil on the tip of the C02 cylinder just before you put in the the gun. So when the tip is punctured it will lubricate the inside of the air system. Also take a flat thin sponge and put it in the bottom of your Pellet tin with a few drops of oil in it ,this will lubricate the pellets and the inside of the barrel. When you clean your rifle with a cleaning rod run the patch through the barrel until it is clean then I run a patch with air oil on it inside the barrel to keep it from rusting. Did you know that Beeman sells quick cleaning pellets that you fire through the rifle or pistol to clean the barrel. I think they are the only ones who make these. I clean the barrel about every 400 to 500 shots depending on how much I use the gun

What do you need to buy to maintain a co2 rifle?

I own over 50 different air rifles and air guns. These are some of the cleaning and service item that I use. Crosman pellgun oil ($6) I use it to oil joints and put a drop on the tip of a new C02 powerlett when I install it in a pistol. The oil will be blown through the system and keep the seals from drying out. You can also use RWS air gun oil. NEVER use 3-n-1 or any other oil it will ruin the seals. I use cleaning pellets or a soft nylon bore cleaning brush to clean the barrel every 500 to 1000 shots. Never use cleaning agent that you would use on a Firearm they are too strong and will ruin the air gun. I use a soft rag with a touch of oil to wipe down the rifle afterwards. A final note. Never leave a pellet rifle loaded. It will eventually damage the spring. Always remove the C02 powerlett after you finish shooting never leave it in the rifle or gun overnight. This will also damage the seals with sustained pressure. See the link Below for addition items that can help you maintain your air rifle.

How often should you clean your Gamo CFX air rifle?

I clean my rifles around every 500 pellets or sooner if I think they need it. I do have some suggestions for cleaning. First of all never use regular gun cleaning products. the cleaning agents will damage the seals in the airgun. Only use Crosman pellgun oil or RWS airgun oil to clean and oil the airgun. You can purchase cleaning pellets from "pyramyd air, See Link Below" to clean out the barrel or purchase a airgun cleaning kit. Add a few drops of airgun oil to the working parts of your rifle. Put a small thin sponge in the bottom of your pellet tin with a little pellgun oil to lubricate the pellets, This will coat your barrel on the inside. Don't over oil the air rifle.