There are several different .17 caliber catridges- some rimfire, some centerfire.
About 3,400 yards.
@ 3 miles
When fired from a .303 rifle, it can travel ABOUT 2.5 miles.
Not quite 2 miles.
how far does 380 bullet travel
The .303 Enfield rifle can fire a bullet about 2 to 2.5 miles- but is not accurate beyond about 600 meters.
From competitive shooting experience the longest distance is 200 yds with a .22 Long Rifle cartridge.
Can't be answered without knowing the caliber, bullet weight and if it is fresh or salt water.
as far as it wants
how far does a 50 caliber sniper rifle shoot accuratly
About 3,400 yards.
Depends on the caliber of the rifle and the elevation of the barrel above the horizontal. A .22 LR fired at about a 30 degree angle can travel about 1.5 miles. A 30-06 about 4.5 miles.