your savage model 311 double barrel is valued at between 130-275 dollars depending on condition.You can add 20% to those fiqures because it is a 20ga model.
I just purchased a Stevens Model 311D 20gauge shotgun on 4/17/2008. It is in very good used condition. I paid $375.00. I believe I got a very good deal.
Yes. However, side by side double barrel shotguns are built so that line of sight from the two barrels meet each other, and cross- usually at about 35-40 yards. This means that a slug fired from the right barrel will go the the left of the aiming point beyond that range, the left barrel, slug goes right of the aiming point.
I payed $400 for mine so I would use that as a starting point.
A key determinant is how the company name is marked (Stevens, J. Stevens Arms, J. Stevens Arms and Tool, J. Stevens Arms Co). Then you can date its manufacture +/- 20 years. Looking at the barrels should tell you if it is damascus. You should be able to find pictures of damascus and other laminated barrels on the internet.Most Stevens doubles will also have a patent date marked on the right side of the receiver. This will give you a "no earlier than" date for its manufacture.According to the 5th Edition of Standard Catalog of Firearms (Krause Publications), p. 677 "Collectors will find a date code stamped on every double-barrel shotgun in the Stevens brands produced between March 1949 and December 1968. Usually, it is behind the hinge pin or ahead of the triggerguard on the bottom of the frame. It will appear as a small circle containing a number and letter. The letters cofrrespond to the years shown in the following table. Significance of the numbers is not known [examples are provided: A=1949; B=1950; C=195l, etc.]." I determined that my Stevens 311D is a "circle G," or, made in 1955.More Information NeededThis can only be answered by knowing exactly how the company name is marked (Stevens, J. Stevens Arms, J. Stevens Arms and Tool, J. Stevens Arms Co). Then you can date its manufacture +/- 20 years. Ask a new question with these details for your firearm.I have a JStevens Arms.Co. Singleshot 410 made in Chicope,Mass it is a Springfield with a Prove Selected forged barrel any Ideas as to its date there is also a circle with a 21 engraved in it
The best that I can do is say that the savage model 311 was made from 1926-1945.The total production of these shotguns were 145,500 guns.
According to the 5th Edition of Standard Catalog of Firearms (Krause Publications), p. 677 "Collectors will find a date code stamped on every double-barrel shotgun in the Stevens brands produced between March 1949 and December 1968. Usually, it is behind the hinge pin or ahead of the triggerguard on the bottom of the frame. It will appear as a small circle containing a number and letter. The letters cofrrespond to the years shown in the following table. Significance of the numbers is not known [examples are provided: A=1949; B=1950; C=195l, etc.]." I determined that my Stevens 311D is a "circle G," or, made in 1955. This includes bolt actions too This includes bolt actions too
From During the shootings, Harris carried a 12 gauge Savage-Springfield 67H pump-action shotgun (serial no. A232432) and a Hi-Point 995 Carbine 9 mm semi-automatic rifle with thirteen 10-round magazines, fired 96 times. Harris's other weapon, the shotgun, was fired a total of 25 times. Harris committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with his shotgun. Klebold carried a 9 mm Intratec TEC-9 semi-automatic handgun manufactured by Navegar, Inc. with one 52-, one 32-, and one 28-round magazine. He also carried a 12 gauge Stevens 311D double barreled sawed-off shotgun (serial no. A077513). Klebold's primary weapon was the TEC-9 handgun, which was fired a total of 55 times. Klebold would later commit suicide via a shot to the left temple with the TEC-9.