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Q: What is a left handed 22 long rifle automatic worth?
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there is no such thing

Was lee Harvey oswald left handed?

no he was right handed and the rifle founded to be his is made for a left handed marksman.

How was the Steyr AUG used?

It was used as any military automatic rifle is used. Fired from the shoulder, light pressure on the trigger produces semi-auto fire, full pressure results in fully automatic fire. The rifle can be configured for a left handed or right handed shooter. The rifle has a simple 1.5 power optical sight built in, with a rangefinder.

When is the best time to get a left handed rifle?

Why, when your left hand of couse.

Is there a left handed 300 hh rifle out there?


What is the value of Salvage 270 left handed rifle?

100-300 USD

Is Robert Sheehan left handed or right handed?

Robert Downey Jr. wears his watches on his right wrist, most people wear them on the left wrist. This might be an indication that he is left handed.

Is the browning semi auto 22 a good left handed gun?

I have had one since 1957 and am a left handed shooter, I feel it is a excellent rifle for a left hander due to the bottom eject, there are no doubt less expensive rifle available but you will not get hit in the face.

Where to get crosman bp9m22 Benjamin discovery lefthand breech block?

It would be nice to have a left handed model (I'm also Left Handed.) But unfortunately Crosman doesn't make a left handed stock for this rifle. You would have to find a woodworker who makes stocks in order to get one made. I would search the web for "Custom Rifle stocks" and start there.

How do you dissemble a browning automatic rifle safari?

Best left to a trained gunsmith.

What is the value of a Remington 760 bdl model left hand 308 rifle?

1,000 in mint condition. They are a rare rifle. Less than 5% of 760 BDL's were left handed.

What is the model number of a Remington 22 caliber left handed bolt action rifle?

Model 581.